Penguins with Mikayla

The other day Mikayla, one of my honorary little sisters, and I decided to make penguins out of Sculpey clay. For some reason I was telling her about how I used to make these for all my friends in high school, and she decided we needed to go out to Michael’s RIGHT NOW and make them. So we went, and did, and it was just as much fun as I remembered.


Skier, snowboarder, penguin on sled, three penguins in winter hats


Nurse Vav, ballerina, yoga Ashley, and push-up Will.


Bouldering penguins

We made: a skier, a snowboarder, a sledder, a nurse, a ballerina, two snorkelers, two rock climbers (boulderers actually, since they only have chalk bags), a yoga-er in mountain pose on a mat (complete with bolster), a penguin doing push-ups, a penguin listening to an iPod (complete with Beats headphones, which Mikayla currently covets), a Bronco’s player throwing a football, three penguins in a variety of winter hats, a couple walking two dogs (modeled off Chip and Buddy, the Seigal family dogs), and a couple renewing their wedding vows (anniversary presents for Mr. and Mrs. Seigal, their wedding anniversary is on Feb. 14th).


Note the heart tattoo on Mr. Top-Hat, that’s Mikayla’s touch.


Walking Buddy and Chip, complete with tangled leashes.


Ipod-listening penguin

Can you spot them all?


Pair of snorkeling penguins


Staging of all the penguins. Apparently being a nurse means you can marry people… or penguins.


Denver Broncos. This was all Mikayla.

Mikayla decided I need to change my name to Lauren Smith-Seigal (or possibly Smeigal), since I now live in their house. She also doesn’t understand why I am looking for a job, or why I wouldn’t want to live here in their house with them forever. You should have heard the fuss when I told her I was applying for a field job up in Estes Park for the summer, you’d think I was going to Antarctica and never coming back.

I told her I’ll live here for the rest of my life as long as she wipes my butt when I get old, and she promptly replied that Ashley (her older sister) would take care of that. I should probably add that Mikayla is 11, and Ashley is 15.

Good to know that I’ve got my future taken care of.